Dad & Mom Family School

My Schedule

Today, I wrote down my morning schedule.

  1. Wake up and get out of bed
  2. Get dressed
  3. Eat breakfast
  4. Brush my teeth
  5. Comb my hair
  6. Read a little bit before leaving for school, if I have time  (I love reading)
  7. Pick up my lunch box
  8. Head downstairs to the van
  9. Get buckled into the “Wild Blueberry”
  10. Drive to school with Mom and Brina

Every school day is a little different so I don’t have a set schedule for that part of my day.  Each day I have an extra activity such as music, PE, art, computer, and more.  A couple of my favorites school activities are STEM Lab and  GT, which stands for Gifted & Talented.

Most days after school I have an activities I go to as well, including my favorite which is STEM Club on Wednesdays. After my activities I have to get all my homework done then it’s time for my shower, dinner, and time with my family.  Right before bed we do family devotions and pray then I brush my teeth.  My Dad and Mom take time at the end of the day when they tuck me in bed to talk with me about my day.  I love talking with my Mom and Dad!  It is a fun part of my day!